Traveling to Florida for the holidays means I got behind on doing a year-end wrap up post that I had planned. However, I still got back in time to do another Film Fridays post for New Year's Eve. This shot was from the first wedding I ever photographed back in 2008. I'd had my DSLR camera for about three months and was loving it, but I also brought along my 35mm SLR to take some film photos as well. This champagne shot is from the reception and seemed perfectly fitting for celebrating the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

And speaking of New Year's, I was going to pass on resolutions this year. I did a lot of things I wanted to do last year without having explicit resolutions and I kind of liked not having the pressure. However, I suddenly and tragically lost a friend last week and I've been reflecting a lot on memories of him and missed opportunities to spend more time together. He was a photographer as well and one of his quotes that recently came to my attention was "I shoot film. Occasionally I have the rolls developed." We always talked about going out to take photos together with our toy cameras, but I'm sad to say we never got around to it. So in his honor, my resolution for 2011 is to take more photos on film, of and with people I care about, and develop and share them frequently. Thanks for all the inspiration, Scott. You are loved, missed, and celebrated.